Iñaki (ES), 46, Art Director, Madrid/Spain


"I think something has changed forever."

"Creo que algo ha cambiado para siempre."

Those last days of March before the quarantine and lockdown, I lived my life as usual. Without really foreseeing what we were to expect just a few days later.
I think the government's actions came a week too late. Once they did, however, the state of alarm was enforced with determination and strength. Though they were right to impose such a strict lockdown, perhaps even the toughest in Europe, the communication of various government actions has been somewhat chaotic and inaccurate.
Basically, I never stopped working during quarantine. And I cooked a lot in my spare time and made video calls. What did I miss the most? Human contact. Not being able to see and be with friends and family. My biggest challenge was to control the roller coaster of my emotions, although I wasn't really scared.
Fortunately, my career was not significantly affected by the lockdown. However, my plan for the future is to stop paying for an office. I have a company with another partner and we have seen that in the short term it is actually not necessary to pay rent for an external office.
Can I derive something positive from the crisis? Yes, maybe we will learn to be better prepared for the next pandemic. Apart from the fact that we have learned how to make bread ourselves ;-)
What I will remember from this special time ... the solidarity of the people, the applause at 8 p.m., the queues in front of the supermarkets, the fear of other people ...
I think the pandemic will have a long-term impact on the world. I don't know exactly in what sense, but I think something has changed forever.

Los últimos días de marzo antes de la cuarantena y el Lockdown viví con bastante normalidad. Sin realmente vaticinar lo que nos venía encima solo unos días después.

Creo que el gobierno tardó en actuar una semana. Una vez montado el estado de alarma lo hizo con determinación y firmeza. Aunque hicieron bien en crear un estricto, quizá el más duro de Europa, confinamiento la comunización de las distintas actuaciones del gobierno ha sido un poco caótica e imprecisa.

Durante la cuarentena, básicamente no he parado de trabajar. Y en el tiempo libre mucha cocina y videollamadas. Lo que más extrañé? El contacto humano. El no poder ver o estar con amigos y familiares. Mi mayer desafío fue controlar la montaña rusa de emociones, aunque realmente no tuve mucho miedo.

Afortunadamente, mi carrera professional no se ha visto afectada mucho por el lockdown. Mi plano por el futuro professional es dejar de pagar una oficina. Tengo una empresa con otro socio y hemos visto que a corto plazo no es necesario pagar un alquiler.

¿Puedo ver algo positivo de la crisis? Si, quizá el apredender a estar más preparados para la siguiente pandemia. A parte de apreder a hacer pan ;-)

Lo qué recordaré de esa época en particular... Me imagino la solidaridad de la gente, los aplausos a las 8, las colas en los supers, el miedo a otros seres humanos...

Creo que sí, la pandemia tendrá efectos a largo plazo en el mundo. No sé muy bien en qué sentido pero creo que algo ha cambiado para siempre.